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Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, PhD is a chronic disease epidemiologist with important contributions in Medicine and Public Health, nutrition, lifestyle, and cardio-metabolic disease research. In 1995, he founded the preventive medicine and public health department at Navarra University, one of the most fruitful in Spain, and is currently a professor and chair of this department. He is also the principal investigator of the European research council funded PREDIMEDPLUS trial (a large clinical trial assessing the effects of a Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease), principal investigator of the SUN cohort study, and was previously the coordinator of several centers included in the PREDIMED Network. Miguel has more than 20 years of experience in the study of clinical, genetic, nutritional, and other lifestyle determinants of cardiovascular disease and has published more than 1,000 scientific articles. He is a recipient of the Grace Goldsmith and Rankin-Skratud Lecture awards in the United States and the Dr. Carles Martí Henneberg and Premio Nacional Investigación en Medicina Gregorio Marañón awards in Spain. Miguel is one of the best-known worldwide experts on the Mediterranean diet and has comprehensively studied the nutritional determinants of obesity in the Spanish population. (Pamplona, Spain)